Karma, I admit defeat.
I'm unsure whether I even want to keep this blogspot up and running anymore. It truly is a love-hate relationship.
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Hurt and deceit turns into confusion and anger. Sprinkle it with pints of aggression and ambiguous notes written all over social networking sites that I know you'll inevitably come across. Excuses for past behavior float into my mind. Maybe this is all retribution for what I did two years ago. I'm one to give credit when due, though. If the past couple of weeks truly were an attempt at cruel vengeance, well, then I graciously tip my hat to you. For not only have you wounded my pride, you've successfully managed to rip apart something I was so wary to hand over in the first place. Who's left to pick up the pieces? In hindsight, we truly were slow dancing in a burning room.
Karma, I admit defeat.
Karma, I admit defeat.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 | Filed Under | 4 Comments
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The words beautifully tragic come to mind. Talk? you know Im always on. Reach out.
Can't decided on Nikon D90 or D5000. :)
You have a really nice way with words. I hope everything turns out alright.
I liie your blogs. theyre very interesting (: