2008's taken me for a pretty wild ride:
- 4.0 GPA for both spring semester and summer session.
- Ingledue, Skorka, Calixto, Gill, Yim.
- Losing AND gaining friendships.
- Finding Word International, Los Angeles.
- Shows, shows, and more shows makes for a very broke teen.
- Adventures with those oh so crazy bandies.
Some resolutions for 09:
1. Grow spiritually in my walk with God.
2. Read and write more. I have a list of books I want to read. No excuses, I know I have to build up my vocabulary.
3. Procrastinate less. Sigh, I say this every single year. =/
4. Make more of an effort to keep in touch with old friends.
5. Lose weight. Again, I say this with every passing year, but I mean it this time around. I've gained so much weight since college started, it's not even funny. This goes hand in hand with eating right & raising my self-esteem.
6. Improve on guitar and bass. Practice makes perfect!
It makes me Chuckle with Glee (cause only REAL fat people can chuckle with glee) when you resolve to lose weight. Say what you will, that shit is simply hilarious. I only have one resolution for this year:
Fall in love with my eyes open.
And don't make an ass of myself in Public anymore.
that's two, I guess, both of which I broke in a matter of minutes.